赫伯特·西蒙(Herbert A. Simon)(1916年6月15日至2001年2月9日),美国经济学家,政治学家,认知科学家,1978年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者,1975年图灵奖获得者。他创造了术语“有限理性”和“满意度”,也是第一个分析复杂性架构的人。
1)选择一门学问; 2)拆分这门学问,拆分到可以比较容易学习为止。(降低学习难度,还有类比、联想、溯源等方法) 3)持续学习6个月,各个击破每个被拆分的小部分。(高强度,高压强,但是这中间方法和天赋就很重要了) 4)掌握这门学问。
原文在这里:What We Know About Learning*,1997年在教育前沿会议上的主题演讲,后整理发表于Journal of Engineering。
First, the expert possesses a large indexed memory in the area of expertise. In every field that has been investigated, the expert has a minimum of about 50,000 to 100,000 “chunks” of knowledge. “Chunk” is a technical term in psychology, meaning any unit of knowledge that has become familiarized and has a place in the memory’s index. As it has a place in the index, a chunk is anything you can recognize in your field of expertise. English speakers are experts on the English language — we have stored over 100,000 familiar chunks, which are called words. When we see them in a text, we recognize them and retrieve their meanings from memory.
专家在专业领域拥有大量的索引记忆。在每一个被研究过的领域,专家至少拥有大约5万到10万个 “块(Chuck) “的知识。
Now what does “index” mean? An index is a set of patterns that enable you to recognize things about which you have knowledge, whenever they appear. It’s no use to have knowledge unless you can get access to it when it’s relevant; and getting access to knowledge when it’s relevant uses the process we call recognition. If you say “Hi, mom” and someone says, “How did you do that?” you reply, “Well I can recognize my own mom!” We’re not very good at telling what features we saw in order to recognize her but we can be sure of the act of recognition. 索引是一组模式,它能让你识别你有知识的事物,只要它们出现,你就能识别它们。除非你能在相关的时候获得知识,否则拥有知识是没有用的;而在相关的时候获得知识,使用的是我们称之为识别的过程。
It has been shown by studies of numerous fields of expertise that a large part of the skill, of say, a doctor when you walk into the office is simply the skill of recognizing patterns. Sometimes we use a fancier word: we say that we do it by intuition. Intuition is essentially synonymous with recognition. Having an intuition means you get knowledge about something without quite knowing how you did it: without knowing the underlying process. Usually, intuitions come rather suddenly, and somebody says “How did you know that?” and you say “Oh I had an intuition.” You would sound a lot less mysterious if you just said, “Oh I recognized it. I recognized that chunk.” And having recognized the chunk you do just what you do with the index of an encyclopedia: you get access to all those things you know about it, stored in your brain. That’s one large part of what expertise is all about.
Another part of expertise is the skill of searching through a problem space: of searching from the situation you are in now toward a goal situation, and having skills of asking what to do next. This is where means-ends analysis is used. “I am here; I want to be there. What is the difference between here and there? What operators do I have that sometimes reduce differences of that kind? Now lets apply such an operator and see whether we can make progress.”
We have found that one of the powerful ways for learning is to be given worked-out examples, step-by-step examples of problem solutions [7, 8]. Let the student, by working on these examples, find out how to get from one step to the next. Now, that’s a little like learning from doing — throw the student a problem and let him or her solve it. But by providing examples you are allowing the student to solve a series of sub-problems, step-by-step. You can make each step as long or as short as you like, depending on how hard they are for the students.
通过实践学习(Learning from doing),这在自己的学习中也是非常值得借鉴的。